“The choices you make now will determine the health of your future
You can either eat your way to wellness
or eat your way to illness.”
Patricia Natalia is a Holistic Health & Wellbeing Coach, specialising in Himalayan Kundalini, Pranayama, Kriya, Yoga and Vedic & Transcendental Wisdom.
She is also the founder of The Conscious Wellbeing Company.
Her online journal is based upon healthy sugar free recipes and reflections of her own learnings to help enhance the lives of others. She has recently written a newsletter on “Agni for immunity”, which focuses on ways in which one can tend to their physical wellbeing from a holistic perspective by adding natural healing herbs into their daily diet. A valuable contribution when we are all thinking about ways to enhance our health and current lifestyles.
I find so much inspiration from Instagram and I still find it amazing that it can help us connect to so many people.
I have so much respect for Patricia Natalia and her wise words! It has been great to follow her journey so far. Patricia Natalia radiates a beautiful energy that shines through the squares of her IG page. She continues to share her teachings through her journal and newsletters but most recently by releasing her very first ebook sharing very insightful information about the benefits of living sugar free!
The e-book released earlier this year, A CONSCIOUS GUIDE TO SUGAR-FREE WELLBEING sees Patricia Natalia sharing her knowledge and her own journey of becoming sugar free, to help improve and enhance the lives of others who want to seek out an improved way of living.
Patricia Natalia kindly shares some insightful values and knowledge that one can apply to their everyday lives with impressive benefits and results.....
What was the motivation and where did the inspiration come from to begin The Conscious Wellbeing Company?
The Conscious Wellbeing company is a direct reflection of the lifestyle that I consciously devised for myself. I noticed the transformation in my life experience. It was only up until 8 years ago that I was working in a corporate job, with daily commutes, following societal norms and as much as I tried to fit in, it just wasn’t my world. It left me feeling depleted and numb at a very young age. I knew I couldn’t accept just this as life and my future.
It’s funny because it was at that time of my life where I experienced the most ups and downs, the most sadness, the most fears and emotions from pressures. I was living in-authentically.
The Conscious Wellbeing Company is just a template for wellbeing to maximise our life experience and all those around us, whilst honouring and nurturing this earth we call home. It’s not just for us, it’s for the future, the upcoming generations.
However, to make any impact, we must begin with ourselves. That is conscious wellbeing. All the things I love, living well, living peacefully in harmony with nature and working with it instead of against it. We often complicate things.
When we simplify our ways of being, our lifestyle, our ways of thinking, we can experience better wellbeing.
How can one become more attentive to the present moment and be mindful as we move through each day?
The mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts per day. The beauty of the ancient practice of meditation is that during the meditation practice, we become more aware of these thoughts as we are sat alone without the distractions. This helps us become more conscious of these thought and as this develops and increases, the better we become at recognising it throughout the day.
Meditation slowly then becomes who you are – meditative during all experiences, not just limited to your meditation practice. This is when you become more responsive rather than reactive and more aware in the present.
So mindfulness doesn't necessarily mean that we will become free from thoughts of the past and the future, it just means that we have developed the awareness to catch ourselves doing it and can stop it quicker.
The raised awareness from meditation practices, connecting to the breath and practicing gratitude throughout the day also helps bring us back to the present moment.
This would be in the form of deep conscious breaths and saying little thank yous as you move through the day. The more conscious we become, the more we also become aware of our eating habits. Good hydration levels, grounding earthy natural (unprocessed) foods and eliminating refined sugars help to also stabilise the mind and provides relief from fleeting thoughts.
Do you have any guidance on how one can learn to tune into this and not doubt themselves?
The best thing one can do is to learn to connect back to themselves. Through mindful practices, such as meditation, yoga, contemplation time and time in silence (preferably in nature), one really starts to become more in touch with their higher guidance which is always there, we’ve just become so accustomed to the noise that it gets drowned out.
This guidance is gentle, loving and supporting and will show up in many ways that will become clearer and clearer over time through forms of synchronicity, clarity and even with the inner gut feeling. As the practices mentioned above strengthen, so does the confidence within.
You have recently launched a wonderful ebook reflecting your choice on living a sugar free lifestyle. What made you decide to choose this lifestyle option and was it an easy task to undertake?
Thank you! Just to add, I actually put that book together when I had coronavirus at the beginning of this year. I felt like it was channelled through me to share. It was my desire to enhance my spiritual practice that made me initially want to cut the sugar as I felt like it was toxic for me.
As my levels of consciousness increased, there was this want to cut out all the things that were no longer serving me or creating blockages. A little bit like shedding weight/layers that had accumulated over the years. It took about a year to fully undergo the transition as I was addicted to it and had very little knowledge on the different types of sugars and the hidden names of sugars which have an equal impact on health and wellbeing.
It is transformational on many levels to cut sugar.
It became something I studied and really wanted to nail. It was only recently that I wanted to share with others as I realised how impactful and damaging sugar is but yet so easily available to us. It is like a drug that is slowly creating a growing number of illness, diseases and unfortunate deaths.
What can one expect to achieve by becoming sugar free?
There are many benefits that I have written an entire book on, as there are so many to mention! But to summarise, one can experience greater mental clarity, feel better in the body, one can lose excess stubborn weight, you feel fitter, energy levels are sustained throughout the day with minimal/ hardly any energy slumps, your eyes become brighter and so does the skin.
I am currently studying and researching the link between our gut microbiome and the impact and relationship it has with our skin.
What are your thoughts on this subject?
The health of the gut is synonymous to the health of us. If our gut is in a poor condition it will show up in many ways for us. One of the ways is on our skin, but other ways include the way we feel, our mental functioning and also the ways in which our bodiesreact to the things we ingest.
With the skin being the largest organ on the body, it will speak volumes with what’s going on in our internal system.
Although there can be times where skin changes may make us feel upset, we should instead honour and be grateful for the intuitive system within, helping us and showing us where we need to make changes in order to experience enhanced wellbeing.
A poor diet and lifestyle can damage the health of our gut whereas a healthy conscious lifestyle can keep the gut functioning harmoniously.
Where the lining of the gut is weak or leaky, food particles enter the bloodstream and that’s where we can have skin reactions. Healthy gut bacteria can be supported by fermented foods, probiotics, a natural minimally unprocessed diet and good levels of oxygen (which is why I am very much in favour of Himalayan kriyas and breathwork which help to balance levels of agni in the system to keep bacteria away).
Also eating foods in a mindful order to prevent fermentation in the system. The gut can be damaged by processed foods, refined sugars, alcohol intake, scalding hot drinks and shallow breathing from stress and anxiety.
What wellness rituals do you include on a daily, weekly or monthly basis to help you remain balanced and grounded?
Conscious rituals are essential for connecting to your wellbeing in order to feel more grounded and balanced.
I think we live in a time where everything is so fast paced that we constantly feel the pressures to keep going. Burnout has become the norm. Whether that be that we keep extending ourselves out to our work, our partners or children, when we take the time out for ourselves, we can experience a feeling of guilt or perhaps that we are selfish.
Rather than ‘doing’ all the time, I take the time for ‘being’ too. There will ALWAYS be things that need to get done, that list will always be endless, but the better we are at connecting with ourselves, the better we can show up for others with choices, decisions and actions coming from a more conscious place.
Conscious rituals need to replace unconscious (not so healthy) rituals in order to bring a little more order to the day. Unconscious rituals could be just to mindlessly scroll through social media and engage in negative conversations and thoughts.
My daily rituals include a morning devotional practice at my altar which involves offering earth elements to the Divine Mother as a form of gratitude. During this practice I also offer prayers of peace and love for the world around us. I also have a meditation practice followed by mantra chanting and Kriya (which are evolutionary actions) and breath exercises, which I will be sharing more on over the coming weeks.
I also start the day with 1litre mineral water (room temperature) and hot lime water or hot water with black pepper to kickstart the organs and the digestive system. Depending on what I’m in the mood for, I’ll either do a quick workout or weight training at home, or go for an outdoor run in the park. Once I have done these things I am ready to start the day.
If you have daily rituals, you have to fall in love with them and accept that not every day will feel the same.
There may be times you feel called to change things up a little and do things in a different order which is perfect as it keeps the joy and spark going. Otherwise daily rituals can become numb and meaningless it just becomes a daily habit which takes away the consciousness.
What is important to you when investing in
Skincare, bodycare, hair care and make up?
The concentration of natural ingredients. I have always favoured luxury conscious beauty where I know that good quality ingredients are carefully selected as I know this is what where my skin/ hair can reap the most benefits.
I would prefer to purchase consciously and see every purchase as an investment so I would rather buy one good quality product as opposed to 10 products which are lower in the range and ingredients are compromised or diluted. This is how I make most conscious purchases.
I go for natural ingredients with minimal chemical ingredients.
Conscious Wellbeing works harmoniously together from inside out, to outside in. It’s about an entire approach. You can buy as many beauty products to help resolve a solution, but if you have an unhealthy lifestyle and a diet filled with sugars and processed foods, there's only so far your beauty products will get you.
To connect with Patricia and to follow her journey visit her website here
You can also access her free mini guide to sugar free eating here