It is important to find people that inspire you, from which you can continue to learn from. By sharing years of experience you are able to expand on your own knowledge. That was one of the reasons I started my own beauty and wellbeing account and beauty journal (blog) to hope to ‘inspire, educate and increase the knowledge of skincare and the sciences behind it’ for others.
With so many women at the forefront of skincare and treatments, it was a pleasure to be able to ask one of my idols a series of questions. Abigail is someone who inspires me to want to be the best that I can be. It was so interesting to hear her views and practices of well being, through to discovering what her treatment focuses are in her own skincare clinics.
About Abigail James
Abigail’s career has spanned more than a decade. She has worked with some of the most respected skin and spa brands in some of the worlds most beautiful retreats. Skin therapist, author, speaker and presenter her talents are endless.
Her skin philosophy is based upon finding a balance of well-chosen products and treatment, exercise, stress management techniques, an awareness of our hormonal cycle and nutrition. Her current skincare clinic resides at The Beaumont Hotel in London and offers a range of skin treatments designed around your key concerns and needs which are results driven. Abigails book The Ultimate guide to a glowing complexion; Love Your Skin, is a well written collection of informative topics for those wanting to discover more about skin, health and wellbeing and something I love to go back to and read for inspiration.
What does self care and wellbeing mean to you and how do you incorporate wellness into your life?
Wellness is about balance, making time for yourself, getting outside, having slow days when you don't open up your laptop and not glued to your phone.
Eating well, having moments of selfcare, be that a massage, pedicure of facial. And move, it might be a hit class, yoga, Thai chi or just a walk along the river.
What is inspiring you the most at the moment when it comes to professional facial treatments and why?
I’m always expanding my knowledge within the area of skincare and treatments. I really love the holistic way of doing things. Within treatment I have totally moved away from aromatherapy and really focused my practice on clean, effective and cosmeceutical brands that don’t have the nasties in but deliver on results.
Technology has come on so far, working with more and more of these to get the results clients want, which is largely working with Tec to stimulate our own healing response within the skin, some sound scary and can give some down time but it’s not using unnecessary chemicals or injecting things so even lasers are bazarrly really quite holistic, just working with light in a very specific way, and always amazing to combine the Tec wit hthe hands on.
Facial massage is something I think really makes a difference to the overall appearance of ones complexion. Do you have any signature moves that you could share to help release tension in our facial muscles whilst explaining how to incorporate this into ones daily, weekly or monthly skincare routine.
Best to have a look at some of my YouTube tutorials!
Access Abigails library of facial massage routines amongst other skincare routines and advice here.
What is your advice for maintaining a healthy skin barrier? Are their specific Do’s and don’t we should be adhering to when it comes to looking after our skin?
It all starts with correct cleansing, don't over strip, but you can support, choose serums which don't have added fragrance which will irritate, there are still so many out there!
Topical probiotics are amazing for feeding the good bacteria on the surface of the skin. Use retinols and acids with caution, they are amazing but restore the barrier before stepping into more actives such as these then edge them in over days or weeks so as not to go too hard.
Not all moisturisers are your friend so again choose wisely, if it smells like perfume then rub it on your feet not your face.
What are your top skincare ingredients for helping to encourage cellular renewal for a rejuvenated, fresh appearance?
Low level acids such as lactic are great, fruit acids also just be aware they can make you flush, so great for giving a glow. Glycolic with caution, it has got a bite to it and can bring up a flush.
Retinol's and retinals and also great when used correctly and there are many different strengths and formulas which can work for most skin types. These are almost like exfoliating from the inside out, where as your acids exfoliate more from the top down. They can be used really well in conjunction with each other but ALWAYS use an SPF daily if you have these ingredients in your home care and drop them out when you are going on a sunny holiday.
Connect with Abigail James